Insulating with Q-Lon Weatherstripping Prevents Drafts from Doors

Did you know that air can easily escape in and out of the home through exterior doors whether or not they are open? This is because there are a number of cracks and gaps located between the door and the outside area. These holes are small, yet large enough to impact the level of home comfort, as well as the amount of money spent on heating every winter. Installing q-lon weatherstripping for doors will eliminate this unwanted air infiltration as well as the effect it has on energy bills.

Q-Lon Weatherstripping
Q-Lon Weatherstripping

Q-Lon is made up of a carrier that has polyethylene-clad urethane foam securely attached. Carriers come in PVC (vinyl), aluminum (metal), and wood to provide insulation for a variety of doors. The foam is UV stabilized, allowing it to remain flexible at temperatures as low as -4 degrees Fahrenheit. This form of door insulation is long lasting, as it does not splinter, rot, distort, or absorb water.

The q-lon weatherstripping is light-weight, and easy to install. Simply attach the PVC carrier to the frame of the door in a way in which the foam gasket pushes up against the door when the door is closed. Then, nail it in using the nails that come with the q-lon kit. If necessary, it can be cut to fit a smaller door opening. Q-lon weatherstripping seals 1/2-inch gaps, and works as both weatherstripping and a doorstop.

Approximately 11 percent of all energy loss in the average home occurs through exterior doors. Limiting the amount of unwanted air exchanges that occur through doors reduces not only energy loss, but also the costs of heating during winter, as you will have more control over the temperature in the home. The weatherstripping pays for itself with the amount of savings accumulated, and continues to save you money on energy bills long after.

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