Group 1

Using A Tier 2 Power Strip for Advanced Savings

A computer, DVR, and TV are just some of the devices we use daily in our homes and businesses. These are also some of the most common devices left plugged in long after being shut off. While powering off does reduce energy use, it doesn’t stop the device from using energy. One of the simplest way to combat this phantom energy use is with a tier 2 power strip. These advanced devices are highly intuitive, and can be used in both residential and commercial environments.

What’s the Big Difference?

Tier 1 and 2 power strips both work to reduce the amount of energy used by the devices that are plugged into them. The key difference between these two is the intuitive technology the advanced power strips feature.

  • Power and motion sensor to reliably control power supply to all plugged in equipment
  • Adjustable standby control delays the sensor for activities such as movie-watching / completely cuts off power after an allotted period
  • Bluetooth connectivity with Apple iOS / Android device to control the power strip and view usage details in an app
  • Designated PC outlet for controlling A Windows PC running on Microsoft Windows versions 7, 8 or 10

Tested and Proven

You don’t have to worry about experimenting in your home or business, because that’s exactly where these power strips have been tested. By using them on millions of devices outside of a laboratory, the tier 2 power strip is a proven energy saver. These power strips allow you to reduce the energy usage for 8 devices in either a commercial or residential setting with 2 always on, and 6 controlled outlets.

If you’re looking for a way to save energy and money in these spaces, consider giving the advanced power strip a try. At the very least, you won’t have to worry anymore about the energy being lost when you walk away and forget to unplug.

Group 1

Damp Rated LED Bulbs vs. Wet Rated LED Bulbs

Wet Rated LED Bulbs

When searching for LED bulbs, you may have come across the phrases wet location and damp location. While they sound like they’re describing the same kind of bulb, these two ratings are very different. The bulbs are each given their classification by the Underwriters Laboratories. Here, each light undergoes testing to determine the environment it is best suited for. Understanding the difference between damp rated LED bulbs and wet rated LED bulbs will allow you to remain safe when installing them in fixtures for your home or business.

What Qualifies as A Damp Location?

Where LED bulbs are concerned, a damp location is an environment that is mostly shielded from outdoor weather conditions, yet still experiences humidity and moisture. These settings are exposed to condensation, or “sweating,” yet the fixtures installed here do not have actual contact with water. Examples of this would be:

  • Kitchens
  • Bathrooms
  • Patios
  • Awnings
  • Basements

What Qualifies as A Wet Location?

Wet rated LED bulbs are installed in fixtures that have been designed to specifically withstand exposure to water: from simple splashes, to complete submersion. The fixtures have to be produced with seals that waterproof its electrical portions. This also prevents damage, and even power shortages. Bulbs with this rating are manufactured for use in almost all outdoor light fixtures, as these fixtures are exposed to conditions such as rain and snow. A few settings where wet location LED bulbs are installed in include:

  • Landscaping
  • Hot tubs
  • Fountains
  • Pools

United Laboratories has carefully crafted the rating system for these bulbs. In doing so, this prevents lighting from being installed in the wrong location, which can cause short-circuiting, and even be potentially dangerous. Understanding the difference between damp rated LED bulbs and wet rated LED bulbs will allow you to get the most out of your LED lights. It also takes you one step closer to making the right choices for fixtures both inside and outside of your house or building.

Group 1

Benefits of Q-Lon Door Seal Installation

Q-Lon Door Kits
Q-Lon Door Kits

The door of a home is where we let in and welcome family and friends. Unfortunately, it’s also where we let in air leaks, insects and moisture. Unlike loved ones, these can come into the home through doors even when they’re closed. The older the home, the more likely it is that you have a door (or a few) that could benefit from being properly sealed. Installing a q-lon door seal is a quick and cost-effective way to solve these problems, save energy, and ultimately lower energy bills.

Passing the Test

The simplest way to check for air leaks is to look at the door during daylight hours. If you see sunlight peeking through the door, it needs to be sealed. If you notice moisture at the door when it rains, it needs to be sealed. If by chance, you catch an insect trying to sneak into the home, the door needs to be sealed.

Sealing Gaps

Q-lon is designed specifically to be used on the top and sides of doors. It seals gaps that measure up to 1/2″ in size. If your air leak is smaller, no worries. A q-lon door seal can be cut to fit smaller doors and seal smaller spaces. It is made up of polyethylene-clad urethane foam, and contains a special backing for use on specific door types. The exact one you’ll need depends on what the door you’re sealing is made up of:

  • Metal doors – Use the aluminum q-lon weatherstrip.
  • Wood doors – Use the wooden q-lon weatherstrip.
  • Vinyl – Use the vinyl (PVC) q-lon weathertrip. This is the most commonly used type for residential doors.

Comfort and Savings

If you left the oven door open while baking, it would take considerably longer to reach the right temperature. The same concept can be applied to all doors. When inside air leaks out, and outside air comes in, regulating the temperature becomes increasingly difficult. Installing a q-lon door seal gives you back some of that control. It does so without you having to spend hundreds, or even over a thousand, on a replacement door. The material is industrial-grade, strong enough to seal gaps for years, and costs under $13 a piece. Installing this weatherstrip lets you start realizing savings without having to reach into your savings to get it done.

Narrow Q-Lon Door Weatherstripping Kit with Vinyl Carrier - Brown DS060-BR-N
Narrow Q-Lon Door Weatherstripping Kit with Vinyl Carrier – Brown DS060-BR-N
Q-Lon Door Kit with Vinyl Carrier Door Weatherstripping White
Q-Lon Door Kit with Vinyl Carrier Door Weatherstripping White
Q-Lon Door Kit with Aluminum Carrier Door Weatherstripping Brown
Q-Lon Door Kit with Aluminum Carrier Brown
Group 1

What Exactly is A GU24 Bulb?

This post has been updated from its original 2008 version.

You may have heard of the GU24 bulb and wondered what they are. Available in both CFL and LED, these bulbs have a different base than the standard screw base bulbs. GU24 bulbs have 2 pins protruding from the base instead of the usual screw in base. To install the bulb, you would insert the pins into the corresponding holes in the socket and twist the light bulb and lock it into place.

So why would you want to use a bulb with this base? What are the advantages?

  • The GU24 bulb is self-ballasted i.e., the ballast portion of the bulb is already attached to the bulb and is easy to replace.
  • The overall length of the bulb is shorter since the ballast and the bulb are in one unit
  • You can easily change the wattage of the bulb, unlike pin base bulbs which require the socket to be changed for different wattages of bulbs. This offers more flexibility.
  • The size and shape of socket is similar to an incandescent socket so it’s great for homes.
  • A standard GU24 Bulb is interchangeable between manufacturers.
  • The LED GU24 Bulb is long lasting with an expected life of 25,000 hours of life which decreases the need for regular replacement. At Conservation Mart we offer these bulbs in a variety of color temperatures ranging from 2700K to 4000K.

So next time you’re in the market for a lighting fixture, consider one that utilizes a GU24 base bulb.

Shop now for GU24 base bulbs>>>

Maxlite 9W LED Omnidirectional A-Lamp GU24 A19 4000K 9A19GUDLED40
Maxlite 9W LED Omnidirectional A-Lamp GU24 A19 4000K 9A19GUDLED40
Earthtronics 8.5W LED Omni A-Lamp GU24 A19 5000K  LA19850V224
Earthtronics 8.5W LED Omni A-Lamp GU24 A19 5000K LA19850V224



Group 1

PL Lamps: What Are They and How to Find the Right One

PL Lamps
PL Lamps

This post has been updated from its original 2013 version.

PL fluorescent lamps have been in the conservation game for a while. Specifically named for the original creator/manufacturer, this lighting solution is both easy on energy consumption while being a bit complicated to understand. To take the guess work of it, here are a few facts about PL lamps.

A Philips Brainchild
Philips Lighting took fluorescent lamps into their own hands with the development of PL lighting, twin-tube fluorescent lamps typically found in non-residential settings (office buildings, retail stores, schools, etc.). Other versions of the lamp come in triple and quad tubes and some can be used for more than just lighting, such as germicidal lamps – lamps used for disinfection.

All About the Base
PL bulbs are pin-based, with either two or four pins, and installing them requires a pin-based lighting fixture. There are many base types, like GX23, with the different names representing the pin configuration of the lamp. In order to find the right lamp for installation/replacement, check the base for details of the type, pin configuration, wattage and light color.

Lamp Brightness
The brightness level of PL lamps is determined by lumens, which measures how bright a bulb is. This is different than wattage, which measures the energy output of a lamp. PL bulbs have the upper hand on incandescents because they use up less energy to display the same or a higher level of brightness. For example, a GX23 PL bulb displaying 840 lumens uses only 13 watts of energy while the incandescent version uses 60.

Color Temp: Warm to Daylight
PL bulbs shine in varying light colors. From warm white to daylight, the specific temperatures are:

  • 2700k – warm white
  • 2500k – soft white
  • 4100k – cool white
  • 5000k+ – daylight

Maximum Overall Length
Sometimes a little more information is required to properly install/replace PL lamps. Some fixtures have size limitations known as the maximum overall length (MOL). To find the length of PL bulb, measure from the base to point of the bulb.

Though PL lighting has been around for a while, this cost-effective, energy efficient lamp continues to grow. With a life span between 10-13x their incandescent peers, PL bulbs don’t need to be replaced as often, and (thankfully) you won’t want to.

Maxlite 8W PL LED G24Q 3000K 8PLG24QLED30
Maxlite 8W PL LED G24Q 3000K 8PLG24QLED30
TopStar LED Horizontal Lamp 6W 4000K G24Q PLC18HG24Q-840-06P-P2-EB
TopStar LED Horizontal Lamp 6W 4000K G24Q PLC18HG24Q-840-06P-P2-EB
Maxlite 6W PL LED GX23 4000K 6PLGX23LED40
Maxlite 6W PL LED GX23 4000K 6PLGX23LED40
Group 1

CFL to LED Conversion for Pin Lamps

This post has been updated from its original version.CFL to LED Conversion for Pin Lamps

PL lamps, given their name by their originator, Philips Lighting, have been in the game for many years now. These pin-based lamps are widely used and installed in a variety of fixtures, from recessed cans, outdoor fixtures, and ceiling fans, to table lamps and wall sconces. They’re used in both residential and commercial buildings across the country. Like most energy efficient lamps, these were first introduced in compact fluorescent format. While CFLs will always be the better choice over incandescent lamps, by considering CFL to LED conversion, you’ll discover an entirely new range of benefits. Just think of it as leveling up.

Dollars and Sense

For starters, let’s look at wattage. The wattage amount used by a bulb measures how much energy it consumes to illuminate the room. LED PL lamps that use only 12 watts of energy can replace CFL PL lamps that consume 26 watts. By switching out just one bulb, you’re cutting the energy consumption, and equally the costs, for that one bulb by more than half. LED lamps have been made to replace 13, 18, 26 , 32 and 48-watt CFL bulbs.

In addition to saving money long-term, LED technology is such that it removes the glow and flicker that is so commonly associated with fluorescent lighting. The LED lights provide instant-on lighting, and warm up in no time at all. While CFLs typically come with a 5 year warranty and 10,000 hour lifetime rating, their LED counterparts have warranties upwards of 10 years, and are rated to last 50,000 hours on average.

Battle of the Ballast

When shopping for PL lamps, you may notice some are labeled Plug and Play while others are labeled Ballast Bypass. Plug and play lamps attach directly into the socket of your fixture and operate using the ballast that’s already there. No additional wiring is required, making the transition both smooth and simple.

Rewiring is necessary to install ballast bypass LED PL lamps, as the existing ballast has to be removed. They are, however, a great choice for anyone wanting a lamp that will call for less maintenance. Each type is available in horizontal and vertical design for illumination in both commercial and residential environments.

Bulb Base and Basics

PL lamps come in multiple color temperatures and either a 2-pin led bulb or 4-pin led bulb configuration. All have a base of either GU24, G24 or GX23. You’ll want to pay careful attention to these details in order to avoid getting the wrong bulb for your fixtures. They come in color temperatures that range from the warm 3000K to a cool 5000K. The warm, or soft glow at the beginning of the spectrum is ideal for living areas. The cooler light is what is typically found in office buildings, schools, and hospitals. Once you’ve chosen your wattage, ballast, base, and color, you’ll be good to go! You’ve already switched from incandescent to CFL. Now committing to CFL to LED conversion just got a little easier.

Maxlite 8W PL LED G24Q 3000K 8PLG24QLED30
Maxlite 8W PL LED G24Q 3000K 8PLG24QLED30
TopStar LED Horizontal Lamp 6W 4000K G24Q PLC18HG24Q-840-06P-P2-EB
TopStar LED Horizontal Lamp 6W 4000K G24Q PLC18HG24Q-840-06P-P2-EB
Maxlite 6W PL LED GX23 4000K 6PLGX23LED40
Maxlite 6W PL LED GX23 4000K 6PLGX23LED40
Group 1

Comparing the 13W GU24 Bulb to Incandescent Bulbs

This post has been updated from its original 2012 version.

Compact fluorescent lamps use significantly less energy than incandescent bulbs, and use energy to produce only light. In comparison, incandescents use a great deal of energy, with the majority of it being used to create heat. There are a variety of CFL bulbs available, with the GU24 base gaining in popularity. The 13w GU24 bulb is a great compact fluorescent replacement for 60 watt to 75 watt incandescent bulbs throughout the home.

When choosing to replace an incandescent light with a GU24 compact fluorescent, it is important to know a few basic facts about the bulb you are planning to buy. Let’s get into the major differences between these two types of bulbs.

Incandescent Bulbs

Energy used to create light: 10%
Energy used to create heat: 90%
Standard power used in a home: 60 watts to 75watts
Base type: Screw in, pin base

GU24 Bulbs

Energy used to create light: 100%
Energy used to create heat: 0%
Standard power used in a home: 13 watts
Base type: GU24

The GU24 base means the bulb has two pins protruding from the bottom that twist and lock only into a GU24 fixture. Also differing from incandescent lights is how light brightness is determined. The amount of light emitted from an incandescent bulb is determined by the amount of energy it uses. The brightness of a compact fluorescent GU24 is measured in lumens. This is how a 13w GU24 bulb with 950 lumens can replace a 60 watt incandescent bulb, and use approximately 78% less energy to do so.

Shop for LED GU24Bulbs>>>

Maxlite 9W LED Omnidirectional A-Lamp GU24 A19 4000K 9A19GUDLED40
Maxlite 9W LED Omnidirectional A-Lamp GU24 A19 4000K 9A19GUDLED40
Green Watt 9W GU24 LED 5000k G-L4-A19D30C-9W-50-GU24
Green Watt 9W GU24 LED 5000k G-L4-A19D30C-9W-50-GU24
Group 1

Bathroom Exhaust Fan Timers: Perfect Solution for Forgetful People

This post has been updated from its original 2014 version

Proper ventilation is key to keeping a mold-free bathroom, but how often do people actually remember to turn on the exhaust fan? Perfect example is my 10 year old son who leaves the bathroom all foggy because he didn’t remember to turn on the fan switch. Apartment owners can probably experience this also, as their tenants frequently leave moldy bathrooms. The times they do remember to turn the fan switch on, they frequently leave it on and forget to turn it off. Either you don’t get the benefit of ventilation, or you waste money.  A great way to solve this problem is a bath fan timer.

Timer Settings and Operation
Bath fan timer switches are a replacement for the light and fan switches that allow for automatic timing of the length of time the exhaust fan runs.  The AirCycler SmartExhaust Delay Timer Switch is a popular model that will turn the fan on automatically when the light is turned on.  No more flipping two switches.  A delay timer setting allows you to specify how long the fan will stay on after turning the light off, while a separate timer setting will make sure the fan operates a certain number of minutes each hour. It comes in both toggle and decora switch formats.

As an example, suppose someone turns on the bathroom light for 5 minutes, with the hourly ventilation set to 20 minutes, and delay timer for 10 minutes. After the person leaves and flips the switch off, the fan will run for the additional 10-minutes delay time, totaling 15 minutes of operation for that hour. The microprocessor in the device will keep track of this and make sure the fan runs for another 5 minutes during that hour.

If you don’t want to have the fan run after a quick visit to the bathroom, just quickly flip it on and off again after turning it off, and it will cancel the delayed start of the fan.

So consider using an exhaust fan timer to make sure your bathroom gets the proper amount of ventilation without having to rely on people to turn the fan switch on and off.  Not only will you have a better ventilated and dryer bathroom environment, you’ll also save some money by not leaving the fan on too long.

Shop now for ventilation timers >>>

Lipidex Air Cycler Smart Exhaust
AirCycler Smart Exhaust Bathroom Fan Light Timer Switch
AirCycler SmartExhaust Rocker/Decora Bath Fan Time Switch
AirCycler SmartExhaust Rocker/Decora Bath Fan Time Switch
Tamarack Airetrak Programmable Fan Light Control TTi-AtrakAV
Tamarack Airetrak Programmable Fan Light Control TTi-AtrakAV








Group 1

What is an Omni Directional LED Bulb?

This post has been updated from its original 2014 version.

Omni Directional LEDs

Before the introduction of Omni Directional LED Bulbs, Single Directional LEDs seemed to be the ultimate answer to our energy efficient needs. But despite their brightness and power saving capabilities, single directional LEDs fail to offer light that spreads out in more than just one direction. While regular single directional LEDs project light to around a 230 degree angle, the Omni Directional LEDs give out light in a 270 to 300 degree angle. This pattern of light makes them well suited for anywhere that non-directional light is needed.


Omni Directional LEDs offers the same level of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of the tried and true single directional LED. Both offer a long lifespan between 25,000 and 50,000 hours. Both are recyclable as they contain no chemicals that are harmful to the environment and are mercury free. The main difference between the two comes in the form of their ability to spread light. Single Directional LEDs lack the ability to light from all sides of the bulb, emitting light from only the top half. Omni Directional LED Bulbs emit light from the entire bulb, creating a more vast space of light. This ability to spread light in more than just one direction makes them LEDs perfect for a variety of purposes including residential, commercial, and industrial properties. These LEDs offer instant startup as well as the ability to dim anywhere between 10% and 100%. Though, like standard LEDs, the price upfront is a bit higher, you can be sure that with 78% less energy being used and a significantly longer lifespan, you’re saving money in the long haul.

When it comes to updating your incandescent or CFL bulbs to something a bit more energy efficient, Omni Directional LED Bulbs are perfect for the job. Because of their ability to spread light, these become a truly effective replacement for incandescent lamps at a variety of wattages. We no longer have to sacrifice quality of light for energy efficiency with Omni Directional LEDs you can have both. This one for one replacement makes the switch from incandescent to LED a breeze. In the same way, they are good replacements for CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) as well. With a three to four times longer life, much quicker start-up, and a spread out range of light, these LEDs are a great alternative to CFLs. If you’re in the market for an energy efficient LED with a wider illumination pattern, then Omni Directional LEDs might just be the right fit for you.

Shop for Omni Directional LED Bulbs>>>

Earthtronics A19 6W 810 Lumens 2700K Dimmable LED
Earthtronics A19 6W 810 Lumens 2700K Dimmable LED
Earthtronics A19 11W 1100 Lumens 2700K Dimmable LED
Earthtronics A19 11W 1100 Lumens 2700K Dimmable LED
Group 1

Mogul Base Lights Bulbs: What Are They?

This blog has been updated from its previous 2009 version

It’s about the larger base. Mogul (screw) base light bulbs or mogul base

bulbs have larger screw bases (E39) than the standard, medium (E26) screw base bulbs. In fact, the “39” of E39 and “26” of E26 each refer to the millimeter width of the respective screw bases (i.e., E39 base bulbs = 39 millimeters = 1.5 inches; and E26 base bulbs = 26 millimeters = 1.0 inch), and do not refer to the shapes of the light bulbs.

More power, more heat. Mogul base bulbs are made of cast porcelain to tolerate higher temperatures, making them ideal for industrial and commercial uses (e.g., power ratings of 250-1000 watts); in terms of technology, mogul base LED bulbs, mogul base compact fluorescent bulbs, and mogul base halogen, mercury vapor, metal halide, and high pressure sodium bulbs are available in the market.

“U” stands for mogul base. Selecting the correct size bulb can be confusing because light bulbs in general are available in different base sizes. All you have to remember when reading product descriptions is this: the “U” in, for example, M175/U/MED and MH1000/U/BT56, stand for mogul base. But if you happened to get a medium base bulb (E26) for your mogul base lamp (E39), the good news is that you can get a reducer to use the E26 light bulb on your E39 base bulb lamp; additionally, you can get a converter to use a 3-way E26 light bulb in a 3-way E39 base bulb lamp.

Shop now for LED mogul base lights>>>

Topstar 36W LED HID Corn Light CNE39-850-36P-M1-BP E39 Base 5000K
Topstar 36W LED HID Corn Light CNE39-850-36P-M1-BP E39 Base 5000K
Green Watt 60W LED HID Replacement Corn Lamp Mogul Base 5000K MYM-6M
Green Watt 60W LED HID Replacement Corn Lamp Mogul 5000K MYM-6M
Maxlite 200W 277V 5U Mogul Base CFL SKO200EA250 50K E39-277V
Maxlite 200W 277V 5U Mogul CFL SKO200EA250 50K E39-277V

