Group 1

Spray Foam Insulation: An Economical Way to Insulate Your Basement

Spray Foam Insulation for Basement

As we approach winter, are you among the homeowners who are thinking of how to limit the number of indoor drafts that are common during cold weather months? Reducing the amount of cold air coming in the home as well as the amount of warm air leaving can be done by insulating the rooms that are the greatest sources of air leaks. Among these is the basement. Spray foam insulation for basement use is a cost-effective way to solve the issue of air leaks in this room.

Spray foam insulation for basement use blocks both cold and hot air from entering the basement (and then the living area). The foam does this when applied to basement exterior walls, joints, and in corners. It creates a thermal barrier that prevents air leaks and does not retain any moisture, which can lead to molding problems. Using closed cell foam is especially effective since it’s a denser material and is more efficient at insulating than open cell foam.

Applying foam is simple enough to be a DIY project, and cost-effective as well.  A 600 board foot spray foam kits costs roughly $600. So that gives you 600 square feet of insulation at 1 inch thick.

Spray Foam Insulation is designed with the DIYers in mind. Foam is dispensed from pressurized tanks using a gun hose kit. To start using, test the foam out a few times to get the hang of using it. Spray foam insulation for basement use is ideal for insulation projects being done on a budget. In addition, it pays for itself in a matter of months with the savings on heating and cooling.
