Going Green Can Mean Big Savings for Schools

It’s that time of year again; children head off to school while administrators and the PTA crunch the numbers to make sure there is enough funding for everything that they would like to provide throughout the year.

Did you know that schools spend more on energy than any other expense except personnel? Energy is one of the few expenses a school can reduce without sacrificing educational quality.

Here are some suggestions for ways in which schools can save energy and money throughout the school year.

While it would be nice if students turned off the lights when they left the classroom, that is not often the case. Motion sensors turn lights on or off automatically, so energy is not being wasted when they go to lunch or out to recess.

Another energy saving device is a Smart Power Strip. If a teacher has a number of items plugged in, such as a computer, printer, and desk light, this strip can sense when the devices are in use or idle and turn them off automatically. These smart power strips can save up to 72% of the energy the systems use, and provide surge protection.

In addition to overhead lights, many areas of a school also use desk lamps. Schools may have hesitated switching to CFL bulbs for fear that they would leak mercury if they broke. LED bulbs use less power and last longer than CFLs or conventional bulbs and they do not contain mercury or other toxic heavy metals.

Another large expense is water. Installing aerators on kitchen, bathroom, and classroom sinks is an inexpensive way to causes a significant decline in water usage, which will result in cost savings for the school.

Schools around the country that are demonstrating ways to conserve energy and water not only save on the bottom line, they are also setting a positive example for their community.

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